Configuring Nvpunk


Nvpunk includes a preferences menu to help you customize it to your liking.

This menu can be accessed either from the Preferences button in the greeter, or by running the following command:


From it, you will be able to:

More preferences will be added in the future to offer more high level controls for configuring Nvpunk to your liking.

User Configuration

You can add your own lua configuration to Nvpunk. This is for advanced users that know how to configure Neovim and want to use Nvpunk as a base.

Inside your $XDG_CONFIG_HOME (by default it is ~/.config), create a directory called nvpunk, inside that another called lua, and inside that a final one called user. In one command:

mkdir -p ~/.config/nvpunk/lua/user

Inside the user directory you can add the following files:

init.lua will be called after the Nvpunk configuration is loaded. You can load any configuration override or other custom configuration code in here.

plugins.lua needs to return a table of tables, each subtable is a Lazy style plugin definition. After adding your custom plugins to plugins.lua, you can install them by restarting nvim and running :Lazy install.

Here is an example of a plugins.lua file:

return {
    {'someuser/someplugin', branch = 'main', requires = {

themes.lua needs to return a table, each element of the table can either be a string representing a colorscheme that can then be loaded as is, or a function with a key that will be run to apply the theme. This can be useful in case a particular user-provided theme (installed by adding it to plugins.lua) requires extra configuration. Here is an example of a themes.lua file:

return {
    my_custom_theme = function()
        require'my_custom_theme'.setup {
            italic_comments = true,
        vim.cmd'colorscheme my_custom_theme'
    my_other_theme = function()
        local t = require'my_other_theme'
        t.setup {
            some_config_opt = 'foo',


You can add your own snippets in vscode style format.

Create ~/.config/nvpunk/snippets/package.json, and define your snippet files similarly to this:

    "name": "nvpunk-user-snippets",
    "contributes": {
        "snippets": [
                "language": [
                "path": "./typescript.json"

Then in the ~/.config/nvpunk/snippets folder create the files you referenced in the package.json you just created, and add your vscode style snippets, here is an example typescript.json:

    "My function template": {
        "prefix": ["mfn", "myfun"],
        "body": [
            "async function ${1:name}(opts: MyFunOpts): Promise<MyFunResult> {",
            "    ${0:body}",
        "description": "Quickly write a function signature I use often"

To define snippets for all languages use language “all”.

For more information reference the luasnip documentation.

Altering Nvpunk

Feel free to edit Nvpunk’s configuration on your own to adapt it to your needs, or contribute directly to it by submitting a merge request.